3nd annual wake for charles bukowski with the intention of eventually making it a national holiday for drunks, poets and those with bold, exciting approaches to life.

trying to engineer a city wide happy hour just because it would be awesome!

Friday, March 5, 2010

zombie bukowski ia a metaphor
zombie bukowski feels your pain
zombie bukowski wishes his friends would trust him
zombie bukowski is a frieght train picking up speed
zombie bukowski lives in an imperfect world
zombie bukowski is actively improving this imperfect world

you are either with zombie bukowski,
or whatever man

zombie bukowski is infectuous humor
zombie bukowski is the man
zombie buloski pushed grown neanderthals around for years without complaining about the pain, nay he relished the pain and returned the same...
zombie bukowski deal with his pain with words
zombie bukowski loves to share those words
zombie bukowski will not be around forever
zombie bukowski expires on charles bukowskis birthday in august
(metaphors are a dime a dozen and five months is a long run)
zombie bukowski agrees with JIMI HENDRIX about lysergic acid but disagrees with him about manic deperssion being a frustratedness
zombie bukowksi is alrady getting tired of being zombie bukowski but the show must go on
zombie bukowski is not a big fan of drama and has simple solutions to complex problems
zombie bukowski is a fully owned subsidiary of swamp hippy industries
zombie bukowski will sleep with your mom
zombie bukowski craves the quiet of his casket again and needs to find some god damned poets to carry on the words so he can get back to decomposing