3nd annual wake for charles bukowski with the intention of eventually making it a national holiday for drunks, poets and those with bold, exciting approaches to life.

trying to engineer a city wide happy hour just because it would be awesome!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Heres the proud winner franchesca with famous judge angel hogan and pam who was the only person in the bar when the zombie walked in to set up the speakers for the fabulous deejay....
she was reading "love is a dog from hell" which is one oF the zombies faves...
the zombie apologizes about the coitus in the restroom....
mostly to the person who wrenched the doorknob(theres no lock) and had to see the spectacle.....the zombie promises that the parties involved have been chastised....
ten pounds of gummi worms were left in our wake this evening....the gummi battle was spectacular with readers often having to pull matrix like moves to avoid the gummis that the midwestern psychopath reader didnt grab off the floor by the handful and eat....the zombie absolutely loved the original work titled "fuck trophies" which made him hungry for more...Thanks triangle, THANKSYOU ALL THE BRAVE READERS, thanks jeffie the bartender for understanding that the zombies tribe is a free spirited free wheeling fun loving bunch....sorry for the handful of gummi worms that almost knocked your glasses off big fella....thanks for not turning it into a brawl, you got up at just the worst time and there was some ZING on that salvo cuz the zombie is a deceptive athlere....sorry again to the deep voiced female identifying 6 footer who got an eyeful...thinking that the next event will be called CHARLED BUKOWSKI IS STILL DEAD and focusing primarily on poems where death is prominent, especially during springtime the zombie wants you to realize that the prettiest flowers have the most dead bodies buried beneath them, nutritious worm food which produces the best soil....We had 12 dieefernt readerr, three originals, some paraphrasing fun, FANTASTIC MUSIC and a great time was had by all....watch this space for the next installment...coming soon...