The quizzo guy introduced me to his trivia guy and we related how i would occasionally grab the mike and read a poem and started with me reading a couple and then the quizzo starts. the crowd looks confused, but the alert ones enjoyed it....
i rocked the tuxedo of course.
the quizzo starts and its all bukowski questions so i win a tee shirt and everyone looks puzzled
he switches to his questions and from time to time at my urging others read bukowskis and originals either in breaks from the quizzo or in drunken hostage like situations
eventually francesca told someone to shut the fuck up and listen which was surprisingly effective
we were meaner than they were, drunker than they were and it seemed we had the blessing of the owner.
to be honest he bailed right away which was the smartest move ever
all in all we crowned the most bukowski-est and got a good drink on and no kittens were harmed in the proicess.
6-8 fergie guest bartends for charity
8- quizzo is supposed to start but harry(bakeowski) hogs the mike and reads some bukowski poems written about philly
823- bakeowski runs out of beer and steam quizzo begins
845- first round of quizzo ends fergie reads some faveorite bukowski poems while quizzo is scored
9-second round of quizzo...quizzo score counts towards award!
930 - bakeowski again seizes mike, gives away answers, intorduces last years winner francesca and she read
10 quizzo is over and the judges are introduced and the scoring system is explained for the prestigious PIGKOWSKI AWARD
12- we sing irish wake style to honor the spirit
petition is passed aroung for drunken holiday idea
see if the judges want to keep drinking or what?
we drunkenly explain modifications to scoring system