3nd annual wake for charles bukowski with the intention of eventually making it a national holiday for drunks, poets and those with bold, exciting approaches to life.

trying to engineer a city wide happy hour just because it would be awesome!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


march ninth

Take the day off of work
start the day at con murphies with eggs and irish coffees
use the tactics of the occupy philly people and plan to do fun shit all over the city like taking peoples bars over for a few minutes
like a drunken flash mob

they cant throw us all in jail

plan to demand happy hours at every bar you enter
picket with signs if they don't comply

the drinkers united will never be defeated! THE DRINKERS! UNITED! WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED!
help compose "happy death day song" at brunch and sing it all around the city!

dramatic live reading of script of barfly at fergies pub at 2pm

fun fun fun

this years theme is occupy barstools

here is last years winner JACOB RUSSEL accepting the coveted PIGKOWSKI trophy from last years winner FFRANCESCA COSTANZA